create your first project

Install Dependencies

npm init -y

npm i @splitscript.js/discord dotenv
npm i -g @splitscript.js/core@latest

npm i --save-dev @types/node

Connect to Discord

Creating a bot

Go to

Create a bot
Invite your bot

Open the install link

Create an env file


Import environment variables

In your editor of choice, create a app.ts file

import 'dotenv/config'

Start listening

import discord from "@splitscript.js/discord";

discord.listen(process.env.DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN as string, {
    intents: []

Get your bot online

You can now start the bot, by running

This command also provides boilerplate for listeners and automatic restarts when you save a file

splitscript dev app.ts

Run code on start

You can run a function after the bot starts, by using the ready event

import { Events } from '@splitscript.js/discord';
export default async function (event: Events.Ready) {
    console.log(`Logged in as ${event.user.username}#${event.user.discriminator}`)

After saving this, look at your terminal. It should show the above message

Add a message (prefix) command

Enable Message Content Intent

We need to set the intent in our code to be able to read messages

discord.listen(process.env.DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN as string, {
    intents: ["message_content", "guild_messages"]

Next, lets handle the command. We'll use the discord/message/create event

import { Events, messages } from '@splitscript.js/discord'

export default async function (event: Events.MessageCreate) {
    // Check if the message starts with !ping, and exit if it doesn't
    if (!event.content.startsWith("!ping")) return

    // Send a message back
    await messages.create(event.channelId, {
        content: "Pong!"

Now, when you send a message starting with !ping, our bot responds with Pong!

Slash Commands

This section requires the applications.commands scope

Register the Command

Before we can handle commands, we need to register it first. Lets do this automatically in our functions/discord/ready folder.

import { Events, commands } from '@splitscript.js/discord';
export default async function (event: Events.Ready) {
    await commands.create({name: "ping", description: "pong"})

It may take a few minutes for the command to appear

Handle the Command

import { Events, responses } from '@splitscript.js/discord';
import { CallbackMessageType } from '@splitscript.js/discord/responses';

export default async function (event: Events.InteractionCreate) {
    // If its not the ping command, return
    if ( !== 'ping') return

    // Reply to the command
    await responses.create(, event.token, {
        type: CallbackMessageType.Reply,
        data: {
            content: 'Pong!'

After runnning /ping, our bot should reply with Pong!

Last updated